TANCET stands for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test. It is an offline exam conducted by Anna University once a year on behalf of the government for admission to various postgraduate courses like M.Tech/ M. Arch/ M. Plan/ ME, MBA and MCA programs offered by numerous colleges in Tamil Nadu. TANCET’s ranking is recognized by Tamil Nadu’s more than 200 government and non-governmental colleges.
Only online applications are accepted to register for the Entrance exam. After the registration, the students are supposed to download the hall tickets from the Anna University website. Students from other states can also apply for the exam provided they are eligible as per the listed eligibility requirements. The syllabus of the entrance test varies according to the program. TANCET score is valid for one year from the exam date. The TANCET 2020 Exam will take place in different cities. The test will be carried out in 15 towns in Tamil Nadu. Applicants are allowed to choose one test centre according to their choice at the time of registration.
The exam process can be defined in below steps:
- Fill your online application which is common for all the courses.
- Admit Card needs to be downloaded from the official website.
- Appear for the exam at the examination centre. The candidate can mention their preference city during registration. TANCET question paper holds questions based on MCQ that candidates will have to answer within 2 hours.
- Declaration of the exam results is made on the official website of Anna University.
- To appear for TANCET counselling for admission to the program.
TANCET Exam Centers Instructions:
Candidates need to adhere to the instructions while appearing for the TANCET exam.
- Applicants should reach the exam centre at least 60 minutes before the examination schedule.
- They need to carry a valid proof of identity document to the exam centre along with the TANCET Admit Card. You can take your Voter ID card, Driving License, or Pan Card.
- Acquaint yourself with the directions and guidance very carefully before the exam.
- Candidates need to sign the attendance sheet in the presence of an exam invigilator.
- Candidates should not carry any of the electronic devices such as cell phones, electronic calculators or pagers to the exam centre.
- Throughout the conduct of the TANCET test, candidates will not be permitted to go outside the exam hall.
- Any breach of the rules or any unequal means used during the examination could result in the candidature being disqualified.
Difficulty level:
TANCET is just like any other competitive exam. However, the exam is becoming one of the most unpredictable exams as sometimes the sections are put up in a rather confusing way, new subjects are introduced, and previous types of questions are posed in a very unconventional way.
Since there is negative marking for every wrong answer, scoring becomes onerous. For every inaccurate answer, 1/3 marks are deducted. It is suggested the applicants should be familiar with as many topics as possible from high school level mathematics. It is ample to be prepared in all areas, as stated in the syllabus mentioned on the TANCET website.
2019: Compared with 2018, TANCET MBA 2019 was moderately challenging. Sections such as Quantitative capacity and market situation analysis were comparatively difficult. The candidates found it somewhat difficult.
2018: The hardest questions were asked in the segment Business Analysis Situation in TANCET 2018 MBA article. The questions in the sections of Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation were somewhat difficult while the questions in the sections of Reading Comprehension and English Usage were comparatively simpler.
2017: TANCET 2017 question paper average difficulty level was moderate to tough. The section Business Analysis in the TANCET 2017 paper was moderate while the section Data Sufficiency and Quantitative Aptitude was moderately easier.
Examination Tips:
However, with proper practice and hard work, one can score good marks in the entrance exam. Below are a few tips that students can keep in mind to crack the TANCET exam.
- Practice as many mock tests as possible.
- Focus on increasing speed and efficiency.
- Make sure to practice formula, vocabulary, rules of grammar frequently.
- Practice Question/Sample Papers that are readily available in the market.
- Improve your Time Management.
- Revise daily.
- Do not blindly guess the answers as there is negative marking.
- Go through the entire question paper first before starting to attempt it as it gives you an idea of what to attempt first.
- Answer first to the simple questions, then the difficult ones.
Check all details of TANCET exam like dates, application form, eligibility, and syllabus, admit card, results, pattern, preparation tips, question papers, and more at https://www.shiksha.com/mba/tancet-exam